• Mission

About aPhely

You may be one of the numerous companies and administrations which currently have to cope with more and more complex and business-critical IT decisions. You probably have to find ways to manage efficiently IT business projects whatever the constraints and the uncertainties of the environment are.

In this context, aPhely and its experienced professionals bring you an immediate solution by acting as an independent 3rd player between your organization and your suppliers for any IT project or IT software business transaction. Our experience and skills will help you improve your Project-Management performance. You will reach a short-term ROI and take your IT-related risks under control.

For questions & information: info@aphely.com


Improve your PMP (Project Management Performance)


Accelerate the ROI of your IT business projects


Your bespoke solution offered by an experienced, certified and independent team



As an independent IT advisor, our goal is to help you select the solution provider meeting best your IT needs, and thereafter build the most efficient project.

PMP ( Project Management Performance)

Our pragmatic approach to Project Management bases on the high expertise of our consultants in optimizing each phase of the global PM process. It favors the involvement of each project stakeholder all along the process. In this way, we assure the delivery of your IT project within predefined timing and budget.


Accelerate the ROI of your IT business projects

Our final goal is to ensure your business objectives are met. We put in place all the elements which will accelerate the ROI for your IT business projects. We build our approach on customer-centricity, on passion and integrity, and, last but not least, on quality of services.



Your bespoke solution offered by an experienced, certified and independent team

You will be advised and guided by experienced and certified IT professionals mastering the best practices in terms of PM (Project Management). Being totally independent from any solution provider, we act as an efficient partner aiming at optimizing the performance of your IT projects.